2015 Winner

Steve Sheinkin
2015 Children’s Book Guild
Nonfiction Award Winner
The Children’s Book Guild of Washington, D.C. announced that Steve Sheinkin, the author of acclaimed history books for middle-grade and young adult readers, was the Guild's 2015 Nonfiction Award Winner. The award is presented annually to an author for a body of work that “contributed significantly to the quality of nonfiction for children.”
In selecting Steve Sheinkin for this honor, the Guild’s Nonfiction Award Committee recognizes and celebrates Sheinkin’s superb ability to find the heart of the story, to narrate nonfiction with passion, veracity and accuracy, and to engage young readers and provide them with a front row seat as witnesses to history.

The Committee specifically praised four of Sheinkin’s books:The Port Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights; Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—The World’s Most Dangerous Weapon; The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery; and King George: What Was His Problem? The Whole Hilarious Story of the American Revolution. Committee members included Guild members Kathie Meizner, Librarian, Montgomery County, Maryland Public Libraries (Chair); Rebecca Jones, Author (Chair Emeritus); Rebecca Purdy, Librarian, Central Rappahannock Regional Library, Virginia; and Roz Schanzer, Author/illustrator.
Sheinkin was honored on Saturday, April 25, 2015, during the Guild’s 38th Annual Nonfiction Award ceremony in Washington, D.C.
You may learn more about Steve Sheinkin at www.stevesheinkin.com.