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DC-area children’s literature professionals since 1945

It's The End of the World as We Know it and I Feel Fine: Why Character, Consequence and Reaction are Necessary for Conflict and Tension
With Harrison Demchick
Bus Boys and Poets, November 21, 2024
Summary by Barbara Gowan
Over twenty members and guests were exposed to an integral piece of the publishing
world when they heard author, screenwriter and developmental editor Harrison
Demchick’s presentation. As a developmental editor, Harrison works on the big picture
and story arc. He addressed the true origins of conflict and tension and how they
emerge specifically from a character’s reaction and the feared consqequences. Harrison
shared his views on the wants, needs and flaws of a strong character and how tension
engages the reader in the story and gives a reason to turn the page. He spoke of
building adventure, creating specific obstacles to a character’s wants and needs and
adding good twists to the story, and how it differs from manufactured conflicts and
premature resolution. Reactions to the conflict should fit the character and be shown in
the moment. Character and conflict are best buddies! Guild members appreciated this
lesson in the craft of fiction writing as shown by many taking notes and asking
questions. Finally, Harrison shared a website, thewritersally.com, that offers assistance
throughout the writing process. A free “Ready to Publish Checklist” is available at the